Spirit Orbs
Orbs are transparent balls of light that appear in photographs, and many people believe they are angels or celestial beings. I love taking their photos and sharing these physical manifestations of energy with others.
Taking professional photos of vacation rentals and homes for sale is an opportunity to have fun while I hone my technical skills, especially in the desert and Palm Springs area where modernist architecture abounds. If you have a home for sale or rent, professional real-estate photography will market your property more effectively.
Whether it’s a professional head shot you’ll use for business cards or a website, or a photo of the family with kids, I love to make you feel relaxed and happy while we shoot.
Since I grew up on the water, surfers were some of the first subjects I caught on film. I have since expanded to other sports and crave the challenge of taking action shots of bodies in motion.
I’ve always been an animal lover, and I enjoy capturing pets’ dignity and beauty in photographs. Memorialize the personality of your dog or can with a professional pet portrait.